Opera Mobile para aparelhos Nokia N95 N82 N85, Nokia 5800, Nokia 5530, Nokia N97 e Mini N97

Ainda estou testando, e acredito ser mais uma opção!!!!.... Segue informações na lingua do TIO SAM!!!...é SIGNED e BETA ok!!! """"With the award-winning Opera Mobile browser you can surf the same Web sites on your mobile phone as you do on your personal computer. The Opera mobile Web browser for Symbian S60 is designed with speed and ease-of-use in mind, so you can surf the Web with your mobile phone quickly and easily. No hassle, just fast browsing. Whats New Geolocation. Web sites can now query the location of your device. End user controls access on a site by site basis. Carakan JavaScript engine (w/o JIT) Vega graphics library. Update of Opera Core and numerous bug fixes. DOWNLOAD